Monday, August 31, 2009

Stay tuned people, I've been doing my homework. Coming soon.....Lil Wayne got somebody else pregnant!!,Chris Breezy can't remember beating Ri Ri!!! and more!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life is what you make it!! Remember that in life we have "choices" and we are responsible for our own destiny,make the right choice.

4 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Today marks the 4 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. On August 29,2005 Hurricane Katrina claimed thousands of lives and destroyed thousands of homes leaving New Orlean's natives homeless and seperated from their families. President Obama says his administration is working to improve government programs that help Katrina victims rebuild and to guard against similar damage from future storms. President Obama plans to visit New Orleans later this year.

Happy 51 birthday Michael!!!!

Today would have been Michael's 51rst birthday. BET has dedicated the whole weekend to Michael. Happy birthday Michael!!

DJ AM Found dead

DJ AM was found dead in his NYC apartment yesterday evening, he was 36 years old. Reported by TMZ, there was drug paraphernalia found at the scene. In 2008 DJ AM walked away from a plane crash with musician Travis Barker, four people were killed in the crash. TMZ reports that a friend was looking for Dj AM whose name is Adam Goldstein, but he didn't get an answer when he arrived at his home, friends say that he had been missing for a few days. The friend called police and they broke the door down to find Goldstein's body lying on the bed.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Breast Cancer

The other day, one of my very good friends text me a message saying that she loved me even though we don't talk as often as she would like.In this text she proceeds to let me know that she has breast cancer, I began to read the text from the beggining again in disbelief because it was hard to swallow. I have heard about other women who i didn't know having breast cancer, but this was different, this is someone who is dear to my heart and I hurt with her. Ladies, we as women need to take care of our bodies and get our annual checkups and make sure that everything is in the best of health.

Some of us are so busy going on with our lives, that we don't take the time to TAKE CARE OF US!!! Please go to the doctor for a woman well visit and make sure everything is okay,and if it's not, atleast you can detect it early and cure it.

Breast cancer is the leading cancer among women of many Asian and Pacific Islander groups in the U.S. Many women do not know that they have breast cancer until it's advanced.

On October 10-11th Avon is having a walk for breast cancer. There is still time to register to walk and help support those in the fight against breast cancer. Or you can volunteer to help out during the walk. For more info go to

Neffe is pregnant!!

Remember I was talking about Keyshia cole sister Neffe being pregnant!! Well this picture here confirms it.Neffe is indeed 7 months pregnant by her fiance Solo, congrats to the both of them.I simply love my girl Neffe and mama frankie, "it's a man down situation" as Frankie would say.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"The future depends on what we do in the present". Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well, it's time to say goodnight, I just put my daughter to sleep and I have to work tomorrow. Just wanted to leave a little food for thought, Our lives are filled with so many things to do, and sometimes we forget to take time out to tell a loved one that we love them and how much we appreciate them. Life is shorter than we think, so we should cherish every single minute and give thanks and glory to God for the many blessings that you have in your life.

God is the beggining and the end yall, goodnight and God bless.

MS Toya

Tiny and Toya Season finale

I was front row and center for the season finale of Tiny and Toya because I just had to see how Toya's blind date turned out, and it looked like Toya and Mr James Hardy who plays for the Buffalo Bills hit it off, I am so happy for her. I see so many women compromise their happiness because they are afraid to move on from a relationship gone wrong. It's easier to make excuses to accept what hurts us and breaks us down, then to let go, and we as women need to remind ourselves that we deserve the best and for those of us who are raising little women especially need to set positive examples to follow. Congrats Toya!!
I am watching Frankie and Neffe, and it looks like Miss Neffe is preggers again!! She is glowing like a lava lamp! And the camera is shooting her neck and up!

Usher divorce final!!

Okay, am I the only one who knew that this marriage would not last? I remember Usher being interviewed on hot 97 shortly after he got married by Miss Jones, and his publicist told the crew that they were only to ask Usher about his music and his fragrance and that was all. Come on!!!! We all wanted to know why he married this woman!!! Anyway, rumor has it that the divorce is finalized and Usher is celebrating in Paris, Congrats Usher!!

Michael Jackson

When I think about Michael Jackson,I think about my childhood.Michael Jackson was in my household, he grew with us, he was family. To hear that he had passed left me deeply saddened and empty, to know that he passed not of old age, or some uncureable illness, he died trying to erase many, many, years of pain. Since Michael's passing the world has clearly demonstrated what an influence he was, and we ALL mourn. We mourn not only for Michael but for music!!!

There will never be another Michael Jackson, and he will always remain in our hearts!!


Today is the 8 year anniversary of Aaliyah's death. We miss you baby girl!!

A letter for Grandma

It's been 5 months since you left and the pain still feels new,
There are times i stare at your picture and wonder if you knew,
you would always say you didn't know how much longer you'd be with us
and we would shrug it off and laugh but,
the jokes on us and it's hard to laugh.

I miss you so much , there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I still can't believe that I can't pick up the phone and call you or come by and see you. I miss your laugh, and your smile. I miss your hugs and your kisses, I miss you......
I never took the time out to say THANK YOU for all that you have done for me. I thank you for raising me and for all of the love and support that you gave. I could not have done it without you, you will always be in my heart.