Thursday, August 27, 2009

Breast Cancer

The other day, one of my very good friends text me a message saying that she loved me even though we don't talk as often as she would like.In this text she proceeds to let me know that she has breast cancer, I began to read the text from the beggining again in disbelief because it was hard to swallow. I have heard about other women who i didn't know having breast cancer, but this was different, this is someone who is dear to my heart and I hurt with her. Ladies, we as women need to take care of our bodies and get our annual checkups and make sure that everything is in the best of health.

Some of us are so busy going on with our lives, that we don't take the time to TAKE CARE OF US!!! Please go to the doctor for a woman well visit and make sure everything is okay,and if it's not, atleast you can detect it early and cure it.

Breast cancer is the leading cancer among women of many Asian and Pacific Islander groups in the U.S. Many women do not know that they have breast cancer until it's advanced.

On October 10-11th Avon is having a walk for breast cancer. There is still time to register to walk and help support those in the fight against breast cancer. Or you can volunteer to help out during the walk. For more info go to

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