Saturday, September 19, 2009

What is wrong with Kanye West?

Okay, by now everyone has seen the Vma's when Kanye west got up on stage and totally interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech!!!!!! He thought that Beyonce should have gotten the best video of the year award, are you kidding me? Don't get me wrong I love Beyonce, but that video did not come off to be "One of the best video's of all time" as Kanye would put it. Even Beyonce looked like "What the hell?" Some people mght even go as far to say that maybe Taylor didn't deserve to win but,one of the other ladies that were nominated besides Beyonce should have won. Beyonce's 'Single ladie's " in my opinion had no kind of creativity to it. It's just 3 women dancing in a black leotard infront of a white back drop!!!! Wow.....that's really oringinal Kanye.

Kanye then gets on television and apologizes to Taylor and says that he wants to apologize to her in person. Hmm.......NOT IMPRESSED KANYE!!!! he is known to be a cocky and rude individual since he's been in the industry. I remember last year when Britney Spears opened the MTV awards, Kanye had something to say about that, he cried and threw a tantrum because he wanted to open the show. He wasn't satisfied that MTV gave him and a group of others their own private rooms to perform in!!! NO KANYE HAD TO OPEN THE SHOW!!

I love Kanye's music but his attitude sucks, then he gets on Jay Leno and Jay asks him What would his mother say about what he did if she was still alive? and Kanye gets all choked up and explains how he never took time to mourn his mother. Well, I think it's about time take a break from the limelight and reflect on his past and future, because if he continues down this path......he might be headed for a Britney Spears breakdown pretty soon. Get it together Kanye.

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